A Car Thief Jumped Into A Pond Full of Alligators To Elude Police

The alligators circled him as he refused to surrender

Ruby Lee
The Haven


Photo by Meg Jerrard on Unsplash

The story began when 29-Year-Old Billy Sloan decided to steal a car one day. Unfortunately for him, the car needed gas, and the gas station is where some officers in Chatham County, GA, spotted him.

Billy sped off in the vehicle, and another officer began to give chase. Once Billy realized he was being followed, he ditched the car and started running.

Imagine the surprise of residents in five different homes in the Al Henderson Golf community when Billy decided to pay them a visit. Unfortunately, he didn’t wait for a personal invitation, so he just barged right in!

I can’t imagine the surprise on those residents’ faces! After breaking into five different homes and finding himself unwelcome, Billy decided to make a run for it across the golf course.

As the police closed in on him, he jumped into a pond. But unfortunately, the current residents of the pond had a different idea about a visitor dropping in. Instead of him asking them for dinner, they thought that he should become dinner!

By now, those boys in blue had discovered Billy’s new position. They noted one of the two alligators circling Billy. An accommodating…



Ruby Lee
The Haven

Mother, Wife, Teacher, Librarian, Teller of Stories. Author of The Marriage Wars by Leeanne Beasley Berry. Top Writer in Parenting, This Happened to Me, Humor