A Few Sayings from the Little Book

Humor, social commentary, and even occasional wisdom

Randy Fredlund
The Haven


Little notebooks carried daily
Photo by the author of a couple of the author’s little books

Thanks to my son who provided the first edition, a little blank book almost always accompanies me. Each fits perfectly behind the wallet. During pauses in the day, they escape their hideout and scribbling fills them up, little by little.

After years of diligence, there is quite a collection of little books. In them are stories of the events of the day, observations, and occasional short sayings of pith and originality. At least that is the goal.

Devoid of organization, a few sayings are provided here for your consideration.

I ask for chicken soup and you bring me eggs.

Freudian sleep — when you mistake your dream for waking reality. Or maybe it’s the other way around.

Leave it better than you found it. Barred from that path, slow the decline and decay.

So many would rather have an issue with which to beat their opposition than a solution to the problem.

I didn’t catch the joke, but I’m happy to see good people laughing.

Chillin’ is fulfillin’.

When cherry-picking the scriptures, ascend the pulpit. The cherries are easier to pluck from there.

We often forget that “most” means slightly more than half.

Tex is texting from Texas.

We appreciate your value no matter what you’re worth.

When you turn up the volume on the TV, shouldn’t the closed captions get bigger?

I am most pleased with myself when I’ve done something that measures up to the kindness of my Mother and the strength of my Father.

Do smaller accomplishments make one a lesser man?

We search for the proper amount of poison. We want enough to notice the effect, but not enough to do permanent damage. Errors in dosage can occur, but too little is preferred since there is a chance for remedial action.

Enjoying friends and family is the best birthday gift.

You can’t judge a dog by its collar, particularly on the cover of a book.

Ladies, refrain from calling your male offspring a “son-of-a-bitch,” even if justified.

Did you know that one serving of Raisin Bran contains 32% of your daily fiber needs? And that it’s a really bad idea to consume a bowl right before going out paddling in your canoe?

I won’t tell you what we call him, but it rhymes with “glass bowl.”

He spoke too quickly. The sermon of Pastor Faster was a disaster.

A church without sinners is empty.

“When you’re old, every fart is a gamble.” — Bill Kent

You can’t talk turkey if you’re chicken.

“Maritable” — being annoyed with one’s spouse.

Where is the windshield wiper setting that keeps time with the music?

I hope you got a smile or two.



Randy Fredlund
The Haven

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.