A MAGA Guide to Understanding the Solar Eclipse

Don’t believe Big Astronomy

Patrick Metzger
The Haven


Full solar eclipse wearing Trump wig
aeonWAVE and perfect_kabob on Shutterstock.com, modified by author

You’ve heard that on Monday, April 8, parts of the United States and probably other countries will experience a solar eclipse. If you consume lamestream media, you might think this is a well-understood natural phenomenon caused by the moon casting its shadow as it passes between the sun and the Earth.

Sure, and Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that “Moonshadow” is the name of a song by the former Cat Stevens, who later changed his name to Yusuf Islam? There’s your first clue that you’re being lied to. The so-called eclipse is part of the Great Replacement, where “traditional” Americans will be replaced by scruffy, mellow singer-songwriters in denim shirts.

Here’s how it will all go down

Apologies, my evidence board is too big to get a picture of from inside my room, so try to follow along without visuals.

At noon on April 8, a mile-wide flying saucer reverse-engineered from alien technology will lift off from Area 51 in Nevada. It will activate its cloaking device, then proceed slowly across the south and midwest — not coincidentally known to coastal elites as “The Flyover States” — turning day to night as it passes.



Patrick Metzger
The Haven

Dilettante, smartass, apocalypticist. ***See “Lists” for stories by genre.***