A Message to My Muse

“You Suck”

Sydney Duke Richey
The Haven
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2021


Photo by Gary Chan on Unsplash

At this time I’d like to address a short message to my muse.

“You suck.”

I thought the role of a muse was to be inspiring. By inspiring, I mean in a positive and good way. My understanding may be totally off the mark. But, the following definition seems pretty positive. Don’t you think?

Muse: a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist. To call someone a Muse means that this person inspires, motivates, and encourages an artist to produce work, hopefully of excellence. So in effect, this person is saying that you give them the reason to create art, or whatever it is they ‘do’.

Well, my muse IS inspiring, there’s no denying that. But, inspiring in a positive and good way? Not so much.

Is there a rule about that? Are there rules for muses? Classes that need to be taken before graduating to position of muse? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

My muse is an asshole. You may have already guessed that from some of the pieces I’ve written. Sure, I’m often influenced by the moon or sun, the stars, flowers, or even an insect, and then I write nice stories and even nicer poems. But, so much of my writing has been dug out from some place deep inside me. Excavated by an evil…



Sydney Duke Richey
The Haven

Writing from the heart, I’m inspired by everyday experiences. My poems, haiku and non-fiction come from a slice of my life. *Top Writer in Poetry*