[Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Nintendo, homescreen]

A Review of Watching My Older Brother Play Zelda Ocarina of Time in 1999

I highly recommend this game to any 8 year olds that might be interested in watching their older brother play Nintendo 64.

Will Sonheim
The Haven
Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2018


Four stars, would watch again. The world is incredibly rich, and if you’re not breathing too loudly, your older brother will let you hold the other controller and pretend to be playing for Navi. The trick is to keep a loose grip on the joystick so you can react to what Navi is doing onscreen and maintain this fun illusion for yourself. For those younger bro’s who haven’t watched Ocarina in the past, Navi is the fairy helper that floats along behind Link shouting “Hey! Listen!” This position was actually perfect for me because Navi would usually be totally ignored by my older brother which made the game feel even more realistic.

There are some really beautiful cut scenes where you can bond with your older brother over just watching and not doing anything. This is a good time to offer positive encouragement but a bad time to talk (you might break his concentration).

Work on positive body language that also makes you invisible if possible.



Will Sonheim
The Haven

He/Him ~ Based in Chicago ~ Learned a lot at @NorthwesternU, @iOChicago, @NeoFuturists & @TheLondonFilmSchool ~ Currently @ WORK IN PROGRESS on Showtime