A Secret Behind The Door

Make Your Life Easy, Not Hard.

MrAdriel Singh
The Haven
3 min readNov 27, 2022


A Secret Behind The Door
A secret behind the door

I know the secret to getting whatever you want in life. But before I share it with you, let’s talk about why we don’t get what we want.

When I started to write this article I had fear in my mind and I thought, “ Will I succeed in finishing this article?” To do work on one thing is not easy. So, I had feared. When I got the answer, I stopped thinking.

If you want to get the answer, let’s talk about it.

Jennifer Cohen is a notable healthy lifestyle writer,entrepreneur, podcaster, and spokesperson.

I saw her show and she gave a beautiful and valuable speech and her speech really inspired me.

Here in this article, I represent her speech.

Jennifer Cohen said, “ We all have fear, fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough. But all those things stem from one core place. And that is self-doubt. Self-doubt is -why we get crappy jobs. It’s why we don’t get the body we want or make the money we deserve and stay in relationships much longer than we know. 75% of people are smart, but only 20 % of people succeed. Why? This is for missing boldness. That boldness is a stronger indicator of success than intelligence. Smart people think of all the negative things that will happen when things go wrong, but bold people think of all the good things that will happen when things go right. But it doesn’t mean that smart people can’t be bold and that bold people can’t be smart. But it’s the boldness that is the secret sauce. Boldness is what puts you on the path to success.”

People assume that boldness is something you’re either born with or you’re not. Boldness is a skill like anything else. You need to practice. There is a mindset that we should develop and it is called a ten percent target.

What is the 10% target?

The idea is that if you would ever you want the most in life; you make 10 attempts. The truth is most people don’t even make one attempt. They call themselves out before they even try. And the purpose of the ten 10% target is to get very comfortable at failing 90% of the time. Now, guarantee that if you make 10 attempts at anything, one will be successful. You will get the things you want. For two, you will get something that you never even know is available.

Take one step back

Take one step back because this is what normally happens what most people do. Most people don’t find the job that they want. They don’t actually go for the job. They see what’s available on monster.com and LinkedIn. And this is the reason why most people don’t get the money they want. And for this reason, people don’t get success.

Now I am writing an article. And through this article, if I distribute it to you and give a value which helps you for a better understanding of your life. Then I believe that is my first step toward success. But if I fail, again I will try. One day, I will be successful in my work.

So, remember the 10% target. It is the secret behind your door. Write down anything you want most in life, and then make 10 attempts at it.



MrAdriel Singh
The Haven

I don’t stop when I am tired, I stop when I am done! You only get what you work for! If you can walk after squats, get back in there!