After Election, New York Times Fact-Checkers Turn Elsewhere

No tweet, slogan or drunk text goes unchecked.

Adam Rozak
The Haven


Jakayla Toney via Unsplash

“The black mold — it’s rounding the corner. We’ve done an amazing job. Gone by December, they say. GONE.”
— Maria S., Realtor

This is false.

At the time of this email, the kitchen’s deadly black mold was not “rounding the corner” but was developing sentience at record pace. Soon after closing, the property was totaled by the new owners “for insurance purposes but mostly existential fear.” An ongoing investigation by Homeland Security seeks to determine whether the entire township is salvageable.

“I love you, Claire!!”
— Andrew W. via SMS

This lacks evidence.

According to Google calendar, this was sent after one date. Investigations into the timing of this message reveal a more accurate statement would be “I am drunk and lustful, Kim.”

“China is a disaster. Everyone agrees it’s a huge mistake. But yes, you could keep yours in this credenza.”
— Alex J. via Facebook Marketplace

Partly true.

Some would agree. Trends from Williams-Sonoma wedding registries show Millennials believe expensive fragile dinnerware is a bad investment in an era of wage stagnation and…



Adam Rozak
The Haven

Chicago-based writer and improviser daylighting as a technical product manager - He/Him