
Couldn’t have done it without you guys…

dan brotzel
Published in
5 min readMay 14, 2021


Photo by David Veksler on Unsplash

This story, Let’s Go To The Supermarket!, has its roots in a walk I took with my son, Jonny, to get a few bits and pieces from our local store in Bridgely. It was a routine shopping trip except that, at some point on the way back, a tiny light bulb exploded in my head. Somehow, by the time we got home, I had the essential…



dan brotzel
The Haven

Funny-sad author of The Wolf in the Woods (Bloodhound); order at geni.us/wolfinthewoods | Hotel du Jack | Slackjaw, Pithead Chapel, X-Ray, The Fence | Pushcart