“Again With the Fucking Early Morning Activities?!” Woman Fed up With Senior Living Facility’s Bullshit

Mark J. Shady
The Haven
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2024

PENSACOLA, FL — After confirming with 4 staff members, 6 clients and even a few visitors and onlookers, it was pretty clear that Nancy West, long-term resident of Esketon Village’s Senior Living Facility, was officially fed up with the daily pressure of being asked to join in the stupid and sometimes impossible task of having to participate in numerous activities the home has to offer.

“This is complete bullshit,” began West, grabbing her walker and trudging down the hallway to see what scraps were still available after waking up late for breakfast. “I haven’t even fucking eaten yet and already they’re talking about, like, to join some YMCA dance class in the main rec room? Who even fucking likes that song anymore? Stop pandering to us and instead address the real issues in this fucking place. Double up my goddamn meds for Christ sake. I’m in debilitating pain here, assholes.”

West’s begrudgery had only compounded as she reached the nearly empty dining hall and saw that none of her favorite yogurt flavors were available. “Are you fucking kidding me? See, you wake up a little late; and by a little late, I mean 6:30, and everything’s already been ravaged. And I bet Jean smuggled like, 6 of those Froot Loop yogurts out in her bra,” continued West. “What a bitch.”

Nearly reaching her breaking point, West then passed the game room where several clients and staff were engaged in a game of Scrabble. “Oh, and this is the epitome of the bullshit,” West claimed. “I guarantee you not one of these geriatric dipshits knows how to spell anything, let alone what words mean. Yet, there they are, happy as clams just picking up letters and randomly placing them wherever. Fucking tools.”

At press time and heading back to her room, West had crossed her daughter’s name off the list of visitors that day claiming, “she’s just gonna ask me how all the activities went and I don’t feel like dealing with that stupid twat right now. I’m going back to bed.”



Mark J. Shady
The Haven

Contributing writer for The Hard Times as well as several other online publications. Also an award-winning filmmaker & indie film producer.