American Blood

Caleb Weingarten
The Haven
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2022

Absolute Fascism

Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

Trump introduced me to politics with all the excitement he brought. Say what you will, but the bastard can stimulate a crowd. I aimed to be one of those reliable pundits who knew each crevasse of American politics. How naïve and false that was! There is no knowing the truth of American politics. It rests on the exact opposite ideals. Words like fascism were foreign to my lexicon and I wish to hell that I had known earlier what it meant and why it was important.

I know that Trump is at a resort somewhere with whichever pornstar or Eastern European woman he can get his hands on, leaving us in his dust to craft together the remains of American Democracy. Bertrand Russell was too brilliant in saying, “I had supposed that intellectuals frequently loved truth, but I found here again that not ten percent of them prefer truth to popularity”. Steven Crowder, a popular conservative YouTuber, and political commentator talked about the Jan 6th insurrection as if it was some insignificant act that leftists were making an unwarranted fuss out of. He claims, that Trump used the word peaceful in his speech and that Trump was calling on his own party, the Republicans to stand up for America. How shameful! Does he not realize that if Trump didn’t allude to a peaceful protest, even in the weakest form, he would have been indicted the next day? Additionally, who else was he supposed to call upon? Mike Pence had the duty of certifying election results as the Vice President, so of course, he’s going to encourage the Republicans to rise to the occasion.

Photo by little plant on Unsplash

Trump’s famous Dec 19th tweet, claiming that there would be a “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” laid the psychological foundation for his cult following. Alex Jones, made a video to his followers, saying “he is calling on us, We The People, to take action and show our numbers…where were you when history called? Where were you and your children’s destiny and future was on the line?” Matt Bracken a different right-wing commentator said, “we are only going to be saved by millions of Americans moving to Washington, occupying the entire area, if necessary, storming right into the capital. We know the rules of engagement. If you have enough people, you can push down any kind of fence or wall.” Tim Pool said, “this could be Trump’s last stand. And it’s a time when has specifically called on his supporters to arrive in D.C.” Salty Cracker, who is a pro-Trump YouTuber claims “Red wave bitch, it’s going to be a red wedding going down Jan 6th”. I’d like to point out the red wedding was a massacre that took place during the War of the Five Kings.

I would be curious to know who will still believes that Trump didn’t intend to send out these crazed reverberations. It would be apparent by new evidence that his own staff and advisers thought he did. Steve Bannon claimed on his podcast the night before the insurrection, “all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. Just understand, all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. Cassidy Hutchinson had an interesting testimony, further adding lighter fluid to the dumpster fire that Trump already is. Many disregard her testimony as being false without addressing what she said directly. We get the common catchphrases such as “witch hunt” thrown in our face as that is somehow supposed to invalidate a testimony under oath.

For the neo-nationalists and fake patriots that may be reading this, you will be comforted to know that I am not in support of Joe Biden or virtually anyone in his administration. I think they are doing a terrible job of holding campaign promises and delivering what the American people need. Simply disliking Trump doesn’t lead me down the Bidenist path, and disliking Biden shouldn’t mean idolizing Trump. However, the Trump phenomenon has been special. His claims of election fraud that even his own Attorney General William Barr thinks were bogus, were doubled down in the face of even more compelling evidence against him. This demonstrates his over-willingness to seek illegitimate power and the lengths he is willing to go to in order to achieve it. Absolute Fascism.

Photo by Chris Boese on Unsplash

I am not a Democrat or Republican and believe that we need independent action instead of granting power to these backward crooks in D.C. who feed off our division.

In the end, I hope these events and this new evidence will not sway you merely to the other side, but sway you in the direction of truth and accountability. Lord knows we need it.



Caleb Weingarten
The Haven

Columnist, social critic, and poet. Student of philosophy and life examiner. Native of Denver, CO but am on a journey elsewhere.