And Your Bird Can Sing.
Do we really need an app to tell us this?
“When your prized possessions start to wear you down.” John Lennon
Winona’s onto her next obsession, a common phenomenon if you know my wife. Let me say first off that a lot of it has to do with barometric pressure. My wife’s seriously affected by it. While most of us get headaches, she gets full blown acid trips.
These “acid trips” are more reactionary than seasonal. She sees clouds rolling in and decides she has to know something. If she lived in a hurricane zone, she’d be waist-deep in encyclopedias.
Fortunately — or unfortunately for me — she has the internet, a cornucopia of information often supplied by anonymous bodies who could be telling my wife absolute nonsense — and often do.
They often trudge through the woods like buffalo, sending most birds to South America where the locals are generally quieter.
On one of Winona’s last “acid trips,” she decided she must know every bird and bird song. Most people buy a book and some binoculars. Then they go off into the wilds, some joining other people with the same inclination. They often trudge through the woods like buffalo, sending most birds to South America where the…