Announcing a Fun Alternative to the Medium Writer’s Challenge!

Welcome to the Roz Writer’s Challenge

Roz Warren, Writing Coach
The Haven
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2021


WOMBATS ARE BETTER THAN DEATH! Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

Medium is currently holding a writing contest. We’re all supposed to publish work about four topics, and the best entries about each will win money. The topics?

Space, Work, Reentry and Death.

Where do these topics come from?

I mean, why does Medium suddenly want all of us to start writing about death?

What’s THAT all about?

“We aren’t getting enough stories about death! What can we do?? I know! Let’s have a contest to generate more death stories!”

WTF, Medium? Being a writer is challenging enough without having to write about death to win prizes. What’s next? A contest in which we’re supposed to write about sadness, stupidity, overeating and train wrecks?

I’d rather not write about death. Or, for that matter, work, space or reentry. I have nothing useful or interesting to say about those topics. So I’ve come up with an alternative, for Medium writers who don’t want to spend hours thinking about death, work, space and reentry.

I hereby announce…



Roz Warren, Writing Coach
The Haven

Writing Coach and Editor Roz Warren ( will help you improve and publish your work.