Anything Goes in Las Vegas

The Strip Rains Legal Tender & Drinking in Taxis Legal Bender

Ka Falcon
The Haven


A woman is picking up a lot of money that was thrown on the Las Vegas Strip
Photo by author | Money rains from cars, on the Las Vegas Strip

At a red light on the Las Vegas Strip, two cars were throwing wads of money out their windows. The light turned green but we toed the line, held cars back so people could clean up the cash.

Cabbies hear this a lot, “Hey driver, give me your best story.” I’d always ask, “You want funny, raunchy, or scary?” They never decide. “Just tell me a story.” One of my favorite stories of all time is truly an ‘Anything goes’ story. So here goes one of my funny, raunchy Las Vegas taxi stories, killing two birds with one stone. (saving my scary stories for separate posts)

I’ve been waiting for this moment.

I was picking up at Encore around 3 am Saturday night. The doorman opens the taxi door for the pretty young lady and her man is right behind her. As he’s getting in he asks, “Hey driver, can she suck my dick in your cab?” The doorman, still in earshot is laughing. The cute lady in the back is telling him to stop. I shrug my shoulders and say, “Sure, why not?” Well, one ‘why not’ is that’s actually illegal, but I didn’t care. It’s Vegas, Baby. Anything goes. Who am I to cock-block? — I’d been waiting for this moment. When I was new, a fellow cabbie told me his funny story of a blowjob in his taxi and I’d been



Ka Falcon
The Haven

FT Nomad traveling America | Former Las Vegas Cabbie | Hobby Photographer, Storyteller