Artificial Intelligence Has No Place on Medium…Which Is Why A.I. Didn’t Write This


Brian Theobald
The Haven


Not how this was written (Artwork conceptualized by the author and generated by DALL-E 3)

In the digital landscape where words wield immense power, there is a fervent debate over whether the platform Medium should feature content written by AI language models like ChatGPT or Gemini. Let me be unequivocally clear from the outset: artificial intelligence did not write this essay. Rather, it is the culmination of human intellect, passion, and a steadfast commitment to the integrity of creative expression.

Medium stands as a beacon of thoughtful discourse, a sanctuary where writers and readers converge to explore ideas, share stories, and engage in meaningful conversations. However, the inclusion of content generated by AI raises profound questions about the nature of authorship, authenticity, and the ethical implications of AI-driven content creation.

Let us be crystal clear: An AI language model did not craft the words you are reading. AI lacks the conscious awareness, emotional depth, and lived experiences that define human creativity and authorship. Content generated by AI may possess linguistic fluency and syntactical coherence, but it lacks the essence of genuine human expression — the intangible spark that infuses writing with authenticity and resonance.

As advocates for the preservation of human creativity and intellectual integrity, we must vehemently oppose the integration of AI-generated content on Medium. This is not a matter of technological advancement, but rather a question of upholding the values that underpin our shared humanity. Content created by AI is a simulacrum of human expression, devoid of the depth, nuance, and emotional resonance that define genuine literary artistry.

Furthermore, the proliferation of AI-generated content poses significant ethical and societal challenges, particularly in the realms of journalism, storytelling, and cultural discourse. AI language models are susceptible to perpetuating biases, reinforcing stereotypes, and amplifying misinformation. By featuring content generated by AI, Medium risks perpetuating the illusion that AI-driven writing is equivalent to human-authored content — a fallacy that undermines the integrity of creative expression and erodes trust in the written word.

Let me reiterate: AI did not in any way compose this content. It is the product of human intellect, passion, and a deep-seated commitment to the principles of authenticity and integrity. As writers and readers, we must remain vigilant in our defense of genuine human expression, resisting the allure of AI-driven content creation and championing the inherent value of human creativity.

Moreover, the integration of AI-generated content on Medium threatens to marginalize human writers, diminish opportunities for genuine artistic expression, and erode the cultural significance of storytelling and narrative craft. In a world increasingly dominated by automation and artificial intelligence, we must reaffirm the importance of human agency, empathy, and emotional resonance in shaping our collective narrative.

In conclusion, let us stand united in our conviction that AI has no place on the platform Medium. This essay, which was not written by AI, stands as a testament to the power of human creativity and the enduring value of authentic expression. While AI technology undoubtedly has its place in the digital landscape, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to upholding the integrity and authenticity of human-authored content. Once again, AI did not write this piece, and the richness and diversity of human expression it embodies will continue to shape our world for generations to come.

UPDATE: Yes, this article was written by AI (albeit with some slight edits). That’s the joke! As per Medium’s new rules, full disclosure of this is now required, which is just as well, since, judging by the comments, most readers didn’t seem to get it anyway. (Also per the new rules, I’ve removed it from the Partner Program paywall.)

ANOTHER UPDATE: I have since written a companion piece (meaning I actually wrote this one) explaining my intentions here:

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