Back-to-School Haikus

Poetic stories in those red brick buildings

Cindy Shore Smith
The Haven


Photo by Chris Hardy on Unsplash

Bus Driver

Road warrior vet
Naughty kids always throw trash
But phones bring quiet

Fresh From College

Brand new teacher dreams
She’ll be the most fun ever
But she will soon learn

Education Pro

Retirement this year
Young teachers see dinosaur
But she keeps order

Sixth Grade Excitement

Middle school at last
Lockers, dances, sports tryouts
What’s algebra though?

Grade 12

Senioritis hits
Best intent to finish strong
But a nap beckons

Custodian’s Pride

My school looks perfect
Soon come scores of scuffing shoes
Kids missing trash cans

School Supply List

Paper, pens, pencils
Need folder in each color?
My kid must fit in



Cindy Shore Smith
The Haven

Teacher, reader, writer, hiker, wife and mom. Blog can be found at