Baseball Superstar Contract Requests That Have Been Denied

R.D. Ronstad
The Haven
Published in
Apr 25, 2023
Photo by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Personal victory parade upon winning any major award

Mechanical lift from dugout floor to playing field (escalator clause)

Use of horse for home run trots

Ejection stadium seating three rows deep behind dugout, controlled from player’s phone

Personal on deck circle with player’s name displayed in team’s colors

Exclamation point following name on back of uniform

Stat line “malfunction” on scoreboard during prolonged slumps

Exemption from sacrificing, bunts or not

Walkup played by personally selected live band

Audible warning track with recording of Lost in Space robot saying "Danger [player's name]

Four guaranteed back pats or butt pats each game, gratis

Fireworks display upon starting argument with umpires



R.D. Ronstad
The Haven

R.D. Ronstad writes mostly humor pieces and poetry. His work appears at many online sights including Defenestration and Points in Case. He lives in Phoenix, Az.