Bob the Builder: How To Build a Wall of Lies and Deceit

Bob hatched the remarkable plan of feigning a nonexistent alien invasion

Indra Raj Pathak
The Haven
4 min readJun 25, 2023


Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

This story revolves around a corrupt politician named Bob, who was a master of deception and manipulation and had a talent of making promises he had no intention of keeping.

Bob was seeking another term in office and he knew well that he needed to gain the trust and confidence of his constituents if he was to be successful in the re-election process.

Subsequently, he traveled the campaign trail, speaking of a better world and making promises to anyone who would listen. He promised he would reduce taxes, upgrade the schools, and create additional employment opportunities.

He vowed to build a wall around the city to stop the “bad hombres” from entering.

Bob’s promises resonated deeply with the people, and they showed their support by voting for him in great numbers.

Bob was ecstatic to see that he had won the election with an overwhelming margin of victory.

He knew he had successfully tricked the people once more.

Bob’s false promises hung in the air like a heavy fog, and he had no intention of ever fulfilling them.

He lounged in his opulent office; the champagne bubbling in his glass and the smell of caviar wafting in the air.

He was indifferent to the plight of the people he had promised to serve.

On that day, Bob felt the ground shake as a group of irate constituents marched into his office, insisting that he fulfill his promises. Bob was shocked, but he quickly collected himself.

He smiled at the group, and his voice was filled with determination as he promised to do everything in his power to fulfill his campaign promises.

The people walked out of Bob’s office with smiles on their faces, but Bob knew he had to devise a plan.

He had no intention of keeping his promises, but he couldn’t let the people know that.

So, he came up with a brilliant idea.

Bob hired a team of actors to pretend to be construction workers. He had them set up fake construction sites all over the city, complete with signs that read “Bob’s Promise in Progress.”

The people were thrilled to see that Bob was keeping his promises, and they praised him for his hard work. But the construction sites were all a sham.

Bob was simply paying the actors to pretend to work, and he was pocketing the rest of the money.

He didn’t care about the people or their needs. He only cared about himself.

As the years went by, Bob’s corruption became more and more blatant. He was caught taking bribes from wealthy businessmen, and he was even caught embezzling money from the city’s coffers.

But Bob was a master of deception, and he always talked his way out of trouble.

After enduring much hardship, the people had come to where they had had enough. They organized a massive protest outside of Bob’s office, demanding that he resign. Bob was terrified, but he knew he couldn’t give up his power.

Considering all the other options he had, he finally created one last plan.

Bob hired a team of scientists to create a fake alien invasion. He had them create fake news reports and fake videos, all designed to make it look like the city was under attack.

Everyone was petrified, and they sought Bob, hoping he could provide them with some relief. Bob’s face lit up with a smile as it slowly dawned on him he had won.

He promised to do all he could to protect the city from an alien invasion and even went to the extent of wearing a made-up superhero outfit.

Bob was beaming with joy as the people cheered in appreciation. It was all a ruse, nothing more than an elaborate illusion — the supposed alien invasion.

Bob had paid the scientists for their services to construct a made-up danger, and he was using it to merge his influence. He didn’t care about the people or their safety. He only cared about himself.

Ultimately, Bob’s illicit and corrupt activities proved to be his downfall. It eventually became clear to the people that he was lying and they declared he must resign. Bob was compelled to leave his position, and he made no public appearances afterwards.

Bob’s corrupt behavior was an invaluable lesson for the people of the city. They found out the hard way that they could not trust politicians who had made hollow pledges.

The people realized they needed to be vigilant in order to hold their leaders responsible, and that they had a right to expect transparency and honesty from the people they had elected into office.

And as for Bob?

He may have emerged victorious in the battle, but the sounds of his war defeat echoed in his ears. He may have been able to deceive the people for a while, but in the end, his corruption was brought to light.



Indra Raj Pathak
The Haven

Educationist, pragmatic, writer-poet by passion. Editor.