Born A Billionaire And Beautiful

These seven heiresses are not only gorgeous, they never have to work a day in their life! Let’s look at them together!

Simon Black
The Haven


We 99.9 percenters are fascinated with .1 percent, those few lucky individuals at the very top of the money heap. But the most fascinating of all are these seven billionairess daughters. They were born lovely and loaded. Wouldn’t it be great to hook up with one of these luscious princesses? We can dream, can’t we?

Lisa McDonalds

Photo by Gelmis Bartulis on Unsplash

Lisa, heiress to her father’s hundred billion dollar hamburger fortune, is, surprisingly, a vegetarian.

“I love McDonalds,” she demurs. “I get the salads. I would never eat a hamburger. And especially not a Big Mac. Why? Because I’m not gross, that’s why.”

Well, her fortune is gross. She is estimated to be in line for at least fifty billion dollars of that hamburger money, the vegetarian darling. She’s precious — literally!

Men, do you desire her? Women, would you love to be her? Men, would you love to be her, for that matter?

We asked a random guy on the street. Would you consider giving you your malehood for a billion or so bucks?



Simon Black
The Haven

This is not the Simon Black that you know. This is a different Simon Black. He does not work in your organization or live in your city.