British Intelligence Officer Refuses Vaccination Passport

007’s body, 007’s choice

Drew Elliot
The Haven
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2021


Image by Nathan Dumlao on

Dear M,

Hey, babe! How’s my favorite MI-6 QUEEEEEN!!?! Hahaha!! I tried to call the office, but haven’t had any luck, so I went with an e-mail instead. Besides, trying to get service in Beijing is a frickin NIGHTMARE right now, so this is just easier.

First of all, lemme just start by telling you HOW MUCH FUN I had at the company barbecue on Saturday. Thank Miss Moneypenny for planning such a great time! Tell her I’ll call her when I get a chance (I won’t call her lol). Just a really lovely spread of fun and food, as usual. I had no idea Greg could even cook like that, though! Whatever he put in those farm-to-table bratwursts should be ILLEGAL! In fact, please don’t drop a drug test on any of us who ate them because there’s probably a good chance we’ll all fail!

Haha! I’m kidding! But seriously, what was in those things, PURE COCAINE!? So addictive. I had like 8 of them. Diet starts tomorrow! ROFLMAO!

Anyway, back to business. I’m writing to let you know I’m officially refusing the COVID-19 vaccination being required of intelligence officers. I simply don’t feel comfortable being injected with something I’m fairly certain is more dangerous than any Russian spy named…

