Business and Productivity Hacks from the 16th-Century Groom of the Stool

#1 Develop your personal brand

Maria Milojković, MA
The Haven


The Groom of the Stool will help you find yourself and be more productive
The Groom of the Stool will help you find yourself and be more productive | Photos by Picryl and Wikipedia, altered by the author

Hail friend, well met! I knew you’d come again today because you’re like me — determined to be happy and successful.

We’ve already spoken about how to boost your joy:
#1 Have a clear morning ritual. Start with your mom’s smoothie and good oscillation, yet totally productive.
#2 Declutter your chamber into the River Thames to save your gold. Write down your mind with a feather to both declutter and monetize your brain.
#3 As you envision your future, you’re already creating it.

If you are happy with yourself, you’ll radiate happiness onto your business, too. But there is one thing more important than what you sell: How you present yourself.

#1 Develop Your Personal Brand

“Developing your personal brand is key to monetizing your passion on the…



Maria Milojković, MA
The Haven

Serbian translator | Life is unpredictable but rewarding. Create, it will save you | For more articles, follow From Maria with Love 👉