Butt Dialing and Other Transgressions

Brian Dickens Barrabee
The Haven
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Does anybody know how to hang up an iPhone

Credit deshoots.com on Pixabay

In those dopimine fueled euphoric desires of recently connected humans , it seems so important for the lovers to want to understand each other. If given the option of being able to read their sweetheart’s mind, I’d wager most would take it

My advice to you is: careful what you wish for.

iPhone Experiences

Most of the time butt dialing doesn’t yield too much more than hearing the swish of material rubbing against the fabric of the owner’s pocket in which the phone is carried. Because the cell phone is usually in the back pocket of the individual, the term describing this phenomena is butt dialing.

Rarely does the perpetrator realize that his phone has been activated. Conversations, horns honking, dogs barking, babies crying are there for your hearing if you choose to keep your cell up to your ear. Seldom are topics of interest to be heard. Funny how mundaine people’s everyday musings are. I you’re like me, you press the disconnedt button and be done with it.

The real interest lies when you’ve finished a conversation with someone and they think they’ve push the disconnect button and, for one reason or another, the two of you are still connected.



Brian Dickens Barrabee
The Haven

Very much involved with the world and likes nothing better than writing about its absurdities. Award winning author who guarantees a laugh or two a story.