BUY Dogecoin Like My Valentine’s Day Depends on It

Hi. My name is Aiden and I am a first year marketing student at Western Technical College in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Eric Forseth
The Haven


The shining face of stock market redemption. (Photo cred: Cottonbro)

It’s Valentine’s Day soon and I have a serious swish problem. I’ve made some bad financial decisions recently and am cash deprived. Reddit much. Heard of GameStop? Me too. I bought high and sold low, which, is bad. Maybe you did too. Maybe your dad and Mark Cuban think you’re dumb too.

I don’t need to hear about “my poor life choices” anymore. Or about how “I have my shit together but it’s in different bags.” I need to make that swish so I can buy my lady, Carter, some tastee Italian (OG) for VD.

Do you know what the 4 P’s of Marketing are? Yeah you do. Me too. Product, Price, Place, Promotion.

I have the product. It’s called CRYPTOCURRENCY. Dogecoin. Not familiar with crypto? It’s how I’ll be buying taquerias on Mars in fifteen years when you’re stuck down here eating beefesque earth tacos, Mark Cuban!

The price is at like, five cents or something right now PER SHARE. Less than a shitty gumball.

The place is the Robinhood app and the promotion is right here! I just learned about this sales tactic: AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)…



Eric Forseth
The Haven

I like writing so I write. I dabble in humor, fiction, short stories, observations and things I’ve learned.