Can Dogs Understand jokes?

Mr. 7
The Haven
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2021

This is about to get interesting really fast. My name is Mr. 7, and I’m kind of an expert on everything dogs and jokes, dogs laughing at jokes, jokes that make dogs... Enough of that, let’s just get into the article.

Two dogs
Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

Most of the time that we spend with our dogs, or just dogs in general, they don’t really have to be yours. Like I was saying, most of the time that we spend with dogs is spent… The previous sentence doesn’t make any sense. I’ll just move on to a new one. We play with dogs, walk them, feed them and a lot of other things too. The point is, we love dogs.

Let me dedicate an entire paragraph elaborating on our love for dogs. Here we go, dogs are very playful and they give us a sense of belonging. It’s like they really want to be around you, well because they actually do want to be around you. I guess this is why dogs are considered by many as man's best friend. I genuinely thought that this paragraph would be longer.

Dogs run around us wagging their tails which can reduce our overall stress, it’s hard to resist.

Three brown dogs
Photo by Anoir Chafik on Unsplash

Now for the question that everyone has been asking. Can dogs understand jokes? (It’s funny that I say that knowing very well that no one ever asked that question). The short answer to if dogs can understand jokes would be yes, they actually do. I know it may sound outrageous to read that but in a way, they really do, I’ll explain.

If you were to stand in front of your dog and perform a stand-up routine full of jokes, your dog may not quite understand what you are trying to say but they are very observant and pick on the slightest cues. Dogs, especially your own, that know you so well are sensitive to the slightest change in voice tone. Most of the time when we say something that we think is funny, we end up changing how we usually speak. Tonal variations that we may not be able to pick us human beings can be easily intercepted by dogs and registered as something different. Add this to your body movement and facial gestures, dogs can actually understand that you are trying to tell them a joke and figure that it may need to respond appropriately.

For no reason at all here’s a picture of a sad dog.

Sad dog
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Once this happens, a dog's eyes will light up and sparkle, they will almost immediately start running around wagging their tail. This is basically their version of laughing. So as much as they don’t get the essence of a joke, they still have a good time listening to one, and isn’t that just good enough. I’m glad you joined me in understanding dogs today. I’m saying joined me because I’m trying to tell my dog jokes as I write this article. Thank you for reading, have a good day.



Mr. 7
The Haven

Writer | Thinker. Mr. 7 is a societal commentator who talks about pop culture. He is also funny (most of the time).