Captions for Pictures from Unsplash

Murad Awan
The Haven
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2019
Photo Source: Simon Wijers

Don’t you just hate it when people don’t tag their Tinder photos and you have to guess which arm is theirs?

Remember: if you’re ever feeling down, trees are always there for a hug.

Photo Source: Ilya Ilford

Two heads are better than one: Unicycle Edition.

You haven’t hit the gym enough until you can bend the handlebars when you turn.

Photo Source: Javier Peñas

Someone teach Gary the right way to hold a knife to slice vegetables. And to use the counter instead of the ground. And to put the apron around the waist instead of over his head. Maybe also show him what vegetables look like. But otherwise, he’s mostly got everything right.

Photo Source: Yeshi Kangrang

Pictured: A great moment for putting both hands on a camera to take a photo.

Photo Source: Elijah O’Donnell

Before apps, speed-reading methods had to take drastic measures to keep you reading forward.

Photo Source: Greg Rakozy

The other mountaineer is doing equally fine with just a Swiss Army Knife.

And these are just the tools he needs to fasten the rope to his harness.

Photo Source: Jesper Aggergaard

“This way, you can have the perfect balcony view for every time of the day!”

Photo Source: Maxime Lebrun

Hey! Is this the staircase inside the bowl that led my pet goldfish to The Farm?!

Photo Source: Aditya Chinchure

Above: How I see the world before my morning cup of coffee.

Photo Source: Nathan Dumlao

Drying shoes off a clothesline may look a little silly, but not as much as Dave wearing his shoe-shirt.

Above: The Minimalist’s pinata.

Photo Source: Johan Mouchet

If you’re worried your neighbor will steal the tree you’re growing, it’s always wise to chain it to a nearby bicycle.



Murad Awan
The Haven

Humor writer. Not as gray-scale in real life. Unless it’s a really cloudy day. Instagram: