Cats Chose to be Domesticated

Now they run the joint

Nancy Parish
The Haven


Hermione Granger/ Photo courtesy of the Author

I recently saw a post on Instagram stating that humans did not domesticate cats. In fact, cats domesticated themselves about 10,000 years ago.

This apparently happened around the time when humans moved from a nomadic existence to living on farms. When you think about it, the people, in a sense, were domesticating themselves too.

When humans began storing foodstuffs, mice, and rats moved in to be closer to the available food source. Once they moved in, their natural predators, cats also moved in for the all-the-mice-you-could-eat buffet.

Cats moved closer to people to get closer to the food. Since they were taking care of the mice problem, that meant less work for the humans so they were a welcome sight.

I imagine one industrious cat realized that moving inside would benefit them even more and so the housecat was born. It makes sense when you think about it. We had what they needed so they made their move. Cats moved in with humans and took over in the sweetest and cutest ways.

Anyone who’s found a stray cat on their doorstep knows this hasn’t changed. Cats are still having their way with us.

I have three cats. The cats are my pets, my companions, and my best friends. But really they run the joint. They…



Nancy Parish
The Haven

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail.