Take A Monkey To Lunch Day

And BTW, I’m available

Mark Armstrong
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2023


Cartoon drawing of Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh as Tarzan The Organ Grinder with numerous monkeys fighting each other.
Illustration: Mark Armstrong

July 21st is Take A Monkey To Lunch Day.

It’s also National Junk Food Day which seems odd since monkeys eat bananas, a health food.

At least they do in all the Tarzan movies I’ve seen.

TAMTLD is meant to honor primates and raise awareness about them.

According to one site I checked, the day includes auctioning off art that was created by monkeys. Solidarity, brothers. 👍

The site also suggests donning a monkey costume which will “give you a small taste of what it is like to be a chimpanzee.”

I’m willing to do this if someone will take me to lunch at a 5-star restaurant.

The late Tony Hsieh used to be CEO at Zappos. He didn’t like the term ‘executive,’ so he referred to company officers as ‘monkeys’ and sat with them in an area known as Monkey Row. (true)

Occasionally he’d take them to lunch, but there was always an argument about who got the last banana. (OK, I made that part up.)

Bon Appétit!! 🐵🍌🍌🍌

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Mark Armstrong
The Haven

I’m a writer and illustrator. I write about marketing and communication. I also do humor pieces. I help brands get noticed.