Clamping down on ramping up COVID numbers…

With the Omicron variant of COVID surging throughout Canada, a rapidly-assembled bipartisan group of political backbenchers has resolved that someone finally has to tell Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that he keeps confusing “ramped up” with “clamped down.”

“I mean, at least in this case, there’s a lot riding on this distinction,” stated Conservative aide Shoshana Rosenthal Thursday.

“Are we set to clamp down on a ramped up virus or are we ramping up measures to clamp down on spread? I mean Canadians truly deserve to know!”

For his part, the Prime Minister could not be reached for comment other to say that he was, “rolling down his sleeves to get up to work” on this whole COVID thing.



Andrew Scott (IG: andrewjacobscott1)
The Haven

Andrew Scott is a musician and writer who lives in Toronto in a house amongst children, antiquated technology of yesteryear and many, many instruments.