Confessions of a Crisis Actor

It’s only a conspiracy if you’re blind to the truth, libtard

dan brotzel
The Haven


Photo by Bexar Arms on Unsplash

I just go where I’m needed. Someone’s got to do it, and I’m just proud to be one of the chosen. This is the world we live in now.

There’s never much notice — just a text or a call from someone I don’t know. Number withheld. A voice I don’t recognise. I listen and hang up.

Usually there’ll be a car waiting for me. Head down, straight in the back, driver unseen, we shoot off to an airfield or a heliport. There’ll be a clipboard in the back with some details, and a rucksack containing a few essentials.

The journey can be long, but I don’t sleep. I’ve a role to prepare. Nervous energy, performance anxiety. I’m 100% focused on the job ahead.

You certainly get to travel in this line of work. Berlin. Boston. Vegas. Aurora. Manchester. Sandy Hook. I never know where I’m going to pitch up. Paris. Massachusetts. Texas quite a lot, for some reason.

I even did the French Riviera once, though like any kind of business travel, it’s a lot less glamorous than it sounds. It’s not like you can just hang out on the beach for the next few days. They want you back out as soon as it’s over. Beautiful weather in Nice, though.



dan brotzel
The Haven

Funny-sad author of The Wolf in the Woods (Bloodhound); order at | Hotel du Jack | Slackjaw, Pithead Chapel, X-Ray, The Fence | Pushcart