trying not to be serious but always ending up serious

connecting dots

poems help me savor words

Lara Starsearch
The Haven
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2024


when the sun comes out

and my mood improves

i want to go outside

but do i?

no. i sit here wanting to write about outside instead

i should go outside

to hear anything

even cars brrururhngg by

i want to be present


with the dog yapping

the same homeless person walking with the same shopping cart filled with the same pink and blue kites

who will try to curse me out every time

mildly threatening

but if i were them i’d probably curse me out too

last week i was walking

enjoying the sun and breeze — almost too cold

and i kept thinking how happy i was

without a podcast podding or phonecall phoning

it’s because it reminded me of my KIDhood

happy with whatever because you don’t know any better

and how much fun little things were because you didn’t think of them as little

dust floating, hands on the clock barely moving

because every detail reminds you of another detail

and writing is my way of connecting dots.

