Dating A Surfer: 10 Uncomfortable Facts 🏄❤️

What You Need to Know About Dating a Surfer

the vagrant Surfer
The Haven
6 min readOct 5, 2023


the vagrant surfer, surf and travel blog.
Photo by Steven Wilcox on Unsplash

Are you currently dating a surfer or considering dating one?

If yes, there are some things you should know beforehand because dating a surfer might be different from what you imagined.

So, if you’re unsure about taking this step and getting involved with a surfer, here are the things you should know. There are several things you should be aware of before fully committing to a surfer.

10 Essential Things to Know Before Dating a Surfer

1. Surfing always comes first.

It may sound ridiculous and even harsh, but for surfers, surfing always takes precedence over their partner. Please don’t think it has anything to do with you because it definitely doesn’t. Even if you were a supermodel or Brad Pitt, it wouldn’t change that fact.

Surfers have a strong inner desire to be on the water and surf. So, don’t be jealous or disheartened because you don’t come first. Once someone has discovered the joy of surfing, it becomes everything. So, if you get involved with a surfer, be aware of this.

the vagrant surfer, surf and travel blog.
Image: Surfer Today

2. Surfing comes before you and even before their career.

Perhaps it’s some consolation to know that not only do you come after surfing, but the career likely comes after. Money is often not as important to surfers as it is to other people. You probably come second, followed by their career, in a hierarchical pyramid.

While some people find it exciting to earn a lot of money and build a career, this is often not the case for surfers. Once they’ve experienced the thrill of surfing, money serves the sole purpose of financing their next surf trip.

the vagrant surfer, surf and travel blog.
Image: Pinterest

3. Work to live, don’t live to work.

In some cultures, such as perhaps in Japan, people tend to live to work, and that’s okay. But surfers are different. As mentioned earlier, money is for surfers to finance their next surf trip, rather than earning as much as possible.

For surfers, work and life should be in balance. If you only work, you can’t surf. But if you don’t work at all, you won’t have the money to go surfing. Therefore, work is only there to fund the next surf trip.

4. Surfers will be away for days or even months without you.

Surfers always chase the perfect waves. They spend hours and days searching for the best surfspots. Sometimes, they’ll sleep in their cars with their surfboards to be the first in the water the next day. They might not contact you for days because surfing is their primary focus.

All of this is something to consider when dating a surfer.

the vagrant surfer, surf and travel blog.
Image: Pinterest

5. Say goodbye to city trips.

If you’re dating a surfer, you’ll probably never travel to a place without a surfable beach again. When I travel, it’s 95% about surfing, and cities largely annoy me. In cities, you do sightseeing, eat, and go shopping, but there’s also traffic and crowds. Most surfers aren’t interested in consuming things.

Therefore, they won’t spend their vacation in a place where they can’t surf.

the vagrant surfer, surf and travel blog.
Image: Pinterest

6. You should live near the coast.

Some surfers want to be near the coast not just on vacation but most of the time. If you have a job in the city that ties you down, you might want to think twice about dating a hardcore surfer.

As mentioned earlier, surfing takes precedence over their partner for surfers. If they also prefer to live by the coast, and you’re bound to the city because of your job, it can be challenging.

7. Money is for traveling and surfing, not for consumer goods.

As mentioned earlier, most surfers aren’t interested in consumer goods. Once someone has found the joy of surfing, material things lose their importance. Unless it’s a new surfboard or surf gear.

The money a surfer earns throughout the year is carefully saved to finance their next winter surf trip. Every earned euro or dollar is set aside to travel as much as possible.

8. Surfers will eat anything they find at your place.

Surfers often eat a lot. If you have food at your place, they’ll probably dive into it. They might even drop by just to eat since they often have little money and need a lot of food.

So, be prepared.

the vagrant surfer, surf and travel blog.
Image: Pinterest

9. Surfers care more about who you are than your status.

There are certainly people who are attracted to wealth and status, but surfers usually aren’t. They don’t care about what car you drive or how much you earn.

Material things don’t matter to them as much as your personality or how funny you are. It’s not personal; there are things that are just more important to surfers than career and status.

10. Surfers are terrible at planning ahead.

If you’re dating a surfer, be prepared for them to be late or have difficulty sticking to plans. Surfers struggle to stick to schedules because everything depends on the waves. If the waves are good, they have to surf.

This has nothing to do with you; in a surfer’s life, everything revolves around surfing.

In Conclusion:

So, what’s it like to date a surfer? Your life will be full of adventures. They’ll take you to places you’ve never heard of, and you’ll have as much fun as you’ve had in a long time. When you date a surfer, you’re also dating surfing. A surfer and surfing come as a package deal. So, be prepared for what you’re getting into.

Also, you might have to accept that a surfer can have different feelings.

the vagrant surfer, surf and travel blog.
Image: Pinterest

