David Blaine Makes Himself Disappear

His Boldest — and Most Humanitarian — Magic Trick Yet

Don Be
The Haven


Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Every few years, it seems, the illusionist emerges from behind the black curtains to one-up himself. Invariably, this is always marketed as “his most ambitious feat yet”. But who exactly is he competing against? Is there some other death-wishing wannabe out there threatening to out-crazy this irritating corner of the magic store?

The extreme feat this year was a scheme involving helium balloons. That’s right, balloons: the ultimate symbol of daredevils worldwide.

But here’s an idea for the most groundbreaking, ambitious, bold, daring, record-breaking, stupendous, massive feat that would make even showy, sinning Vegas fold into its own illusory desert shadow self — The Eternal Disappearance of David Blaine. I appeal to the man himself:

Please, David. We’ve got enough on our plates. The days when we were bored or gullible enough to watch you freeze yourself or stand forever at great heights or levitate among the homeless or bury yourself alive or vomit an Ace of Clubs into a circle of celebrities are long gone. We are now living through a series of endurance tests of our own. We need some peace and quiet. By climbing into that black tophat reserved for bunnies and staying there forever, you can help make the world a much better place. Go on. Work your magic.

