Defective Politics

The Haven
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2024
photo of a ape’s bottom
Photo: Two cheeks of the same arse?

Late, late morning Wednesday 8th May….

1st Person: ….They’re all the same!

2nd Person: Seriously?!?

1st Person: What?

2nd Person: Aren’t you embarrassed trotting out that cliché? Mate, I’m embarrassed for you.

1st Person: It’s true though. They’re all as bad as each other.

2nd Person: Fuck me, another cliché. You could at least try to be original and juggle around the words coming out your gob. Like, for example, “You know who is as bad as each other? All of them.”

1st Person: So you agree then?

2nd Person: No I do not! What do you think?

3rd Person: I think I’m in the middle of an Ebay shop, thank-you very much.

2nd Person: Ta for the contribution.

1st Person: Mate, they are all the same aren’t they though.

Photo of political party rosettes
Photo: Rosetta clones?

2nd Person: Ideology separates the parties. A political ideology largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what ends it should be used. Some political parties follow a certain ideology very closely while others may take broad inspiration from a group of related ideologies without specifically embracing any one of them.

1st Person: Now you sound like Wikipedia.

2nd Person: The other day I seen a paper review and they were discussing how young people are disillusioned with politics….

1st Person: They’re more likely to vote in shows like Big Brother and Love Island innit.

2nd Person: Ta for sharing…. anyway, this clown, this so called political commentator, this apparent politics expert says, “It’s hardly surprising they’re disillusioned, all the parties are the same.” This from the so-called ‘adult in the room.’

1st Person: See, snot just me.

2nd Person: If we want people to engage in politics we need more honesty about the parties. The parties and the party MPs are not the same. Parties do not have the same ideology.

3rd Person [reading news alert]: Fucking ‘ell, right-wing Tory Nat Elphick has defected to Labour!

2nd Person: For fuck’s sake.


Special thanks to my girlfriend Hen.






The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.