Paranoid Pokemon Thinks Someone is Following Him

Saša Stanković
The Haven
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2018

Call him a conspiracy theorist, but the truth is out there

A Pokemon has raised suspicion about his sanity among friends and colleagues after claiming that the unknown entity is following him. To make things worse, he suspects that the monster coming to get him has arrived from a different dimension.

“I know many others feel the same way, but no one has the courage to step forward and say it publicly,”, he said. “I don’t blame them. We live in a society and struggle to function in socially acceptable ways.”

“It happened last month. While walking down the street, I was suddenly overwhelmed with feelings of uneasiness and fear. Like someone is trying to get me. I had a strange feeling it’s coming from my subconsciousness, not senses. I quickly turned around, but nothing was there. Yet, It felt like something or someone is standing close, almost touching me.”

“I tried to explain it rationally. We had a party the night before at the office, snorted coke, had a few drinks and talked about hot girls from the office. The usual routine. There were always a mild headache and a hangover the following morning, but not this.”

“My wife is giving me these looks like I am guilty of something. She told me I seem absent when we make love. If only I could tell her how hard it is to focus when you feel that someone is watching. She probably thinks I am cheating on her.”

“What to do? I don’t know. My colleagues are avoiding me and I can hear them laughing behind my back. The supervisor told me to come to his office next Friday. He wants to talk.”

“A friend who works for the Government told me something interesting. A rumor is spreading that the security services have known this for a while. The entities from another dimension are often penetrating our world and their intentions are not good.”

“Call me a conspiracy theorist, but the truth is out there”



Saša Stanković
The Haven

An English teacher and a former humanitarian worker. I love dogs, beer and illegal software.