Totally not racist illustration of lynching in new White House authorized textbook.

Democrat Lynching Is Real

GOP Historians agree Tweet isn’t racism, it’s historical fact

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven
Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2019


Outraged over the outrage at Drumpf’s outrageously racist Tweet last Tuesday, his Congressional cheerleading squad did somersaults on the White House lawn while chanting “Liberal Hypocrisy Always Amazes Me,” and “Who’s the racist? You or Me? Hell no, it’s Nancy Pelosi.”

With the cheers behind him, Drumpf defended his Tweet. “Lynching is a historical fact, not a racist comment. I don’t have a racist bone in my body. Why is that black guy digging through my trash cans?” He pointed to the black custodian emptying the trash barrels. “String him up, before he steals something valuable.”

“I don’t have a racist bone in my body. Why is that black guy digging through my trash cans?” Drumpf pointed to the black custodian emptying the trash barrels. “String him up, before he steals something valuable.”

Even with Drumpf’s foot so far down his mouth it was visible in the seat of his pants, the GOP continued to cheer. “We know we’re cheering for a President who’s 1 and 50, but it’s our team and we’re loyal,” said head cheerleader and omega dog Lindsey Graham. “Besides, the rules are against us…

