Did We Fall in Love at the Airport?

Single and the same age. We must have.

Ryan Redmond
The Haven


Photo by Rayhan Fahmi on Unsplash

We were at the same gate.

We were both traveling solo.

We were about the same age if I had to guess.

We both had headphones on and scrolled our phones.

The facts are pretty clear.

Single. Same age. Both of us are alone at the airport.

I must ask.

Did we fall in love?

We must have.

Isn’t that what happens with people like us at the airport?

Shouldn’t we go to the bar and get a drink?

It’s only nine in the morning, but it’s the airport. There are no rules with drinking at the airport. A time zone somewhere in the world is in happy hour.

I imagined the entire scenario.

I go over to interrupt and ask if this gate is for San Francisco.

You kindly tell me it is. I say thank you, and I notice your boarding ticket. “You’re in the seat next to me,” I tell you.

You joke about how no one prints their boarding passes anymore, but you have a nostalgia for it. You like to collect them into a scrapbook because travel is a big part of…

