Do Not Set Your Eyeball on Fire

salicylic acid in the eye is a terrible idea

Christina M. Ward
The Haven
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2019


Image by Aline Berry from Pixabay

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I don’t know why at 46 years of age I still have acne. Dry skin and acne. It makes no sense to me, but the salicylic acid cleanser I have works wonders.

Unless you get it in your eye.

Then, it’s death. Fiery, horrible death.

I spent the better part of my day working on a couple of orders for Fiverr. I spent two hours reading and editing a poetry chapbook. As much as I enjoy this work it was really bothering my neck to be bent over the computer. So, I thought I’d take a nice hot, relaxing, bubble bath.

What could go wrong?

As I reclined in the bubbly water to allow the warmth to soothe my aching neck I decided to wash my face with my acne cleanser.

Normally, I’m extremely careful about this because no one wants to get cleanser in their eye. I’ve done that before and it is rather uncomfortable.

But, as I rinsed my face, a feeling erupted in my left eye that I can only compare to the fiery pit of Hell.

The burning in my eye set about a flurry of activity. Since I was in the tub there wasn’t much I could do but furiously…



Christina M. Ward
The Haven

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