Don’t Be A Scab!

Go on Wordle strike today!

Simon Black
The Haven


I saw this in my twitter feed.

Yup, we’re going on Wordle strike today. Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT cross the picket line. No Worlde today.

Unless you’re a scab.

You’re not a lousy scab are you? You support unions, don’t you?

Don’t sneak off somewhere and do your Wordle in private, either. Because we know. We have ways of knowing. And we will fuck you up.

Be strong!

I know, I know, it’s hard because you’re addicted to this stupid puzzle. It’s part of your morning routine. It’s part of your day. It relaxes you.

That’s right, F you and you’re little Wordle addiction. This is about sticking it to the man before the man sticks it to you.

Workers of the Wordle unite! You have nothing to lose but your vowels and consonants!



Simon Black
The Haven

This is not the Simon Black that you know. This is a different Simon Black. He does not work in your organization or live in your city.