Don’t Let a Flaccid Flagpole Spoil that Special Moment

Insurrectile Dysfunction (ID) occurs

Tom Billings
The Haven


Are you one of the thousands of Americans who spends months in preparation and makes the long trek to the capitol but, when it comes down to breaking a window or assaulting a policeman, just can’t pull it off? Rest assured, you’re not alone. Studies show that over 69% of adults have difficulty getting or maintaining an insurrection.

What is ID?

Insurrectile Dysfunction (ID) occurs when normal blood flow to the brain prevents a person from participating in acts of violence against the government. Although a number of factors can contribute, ID is primarily the result of a healthy frontal lobe controlling decisions and limiting anti-social behavior. That’s why many Americans want to express their extreme political views but are afraid of the reactions of their family, friends or co-workers and even those that manage to articulate their opinions are still reluctant to take the extra step of breaking the law. In other words, most people are too shy to act on their beliefs.


SHY-AGRA® is the original little red pill prescribed by doctors for over five years, clinically proven to treat those suffering from chronic ID. SHY-AGRA® works by restricting blood flow to the brain. The…

