Drumpf Cashes in Big Time

”It isn’t corruption if you deliver the promises you sell”

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven


Trump with hat out at fundraiser
Drumpf solicits policy advice from nuclear lobbyists (Gary Johnson)

DEFENDING HIS ACTIONS in the wake of revelations that he offered to rewrite oil regulations in exchange for a $1 billion campaign donation, former/current President Drumpf told reporters as he left the courthouse last Friday — where he’s on trial for political corruption, “It isn’t corruption if you deliver the promises you sell. And I promise to keep my promises as long as the price is right. Whether that price is one billion, or the cost of a pair of my fabulous Drumpf sneakers.”

Although Drumpf caught oil executives off guard with his proposal, In the Wind has learned the consortium delivered the donation to Mar-A-Lago over the weekend exactly as requested, gift wrapped in gold foil around a solid gold briefcase and wrapped with a gold ribbon. According to B.G. Kizzazz, Drumpf’s online publicist, the former/current president planned to count the currency personally but kept losing track after $1,000. “He kept getting confused whether the next bill after $1,000 brought the total to $1,100 or $2,000, and when we tried to help him he’d say, ‘Who has the degree from Wharton School of Rocket Science? You or me?”

Multiple sources inside the Drumpf campaign have confirmed Drumpf was so pleased with the cash coup, that he’s been meeting secretly with other…

