Drumpf Strikes Out

Hopes to buy more strikes on the open market

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven


Bowling ball rushes toward angry Trump
Drumpf explains rule of law to rushing judgment. (Freepik)

Dear readers: Starting Monday, April 22, I’ll be moving more and more of my writing to Wind Eggs on Substack. As much as I’ve enjoyed writing for Medium readers, the paywall policies are too restrictive. I’m currently averaging 10 cents a story. I will earn more each month with one subscriber on Substack than for all my writing here. I will keep posting on The Haven, but with less and less frequency. Substack will allow me to provide a lot more content to paid subscribers than I can on Medium. If you want to keep up with my political satire now on The Haven, flash fiction five times weekly (sometimes more), and my new section Righteous Indigestion: Musings of a BPK (Baptist preacher’s kid), you can access it all for $5 monthly.

WHILE RAILING AGAINST THE COURT, the jurors, the prosecutors, and his persecutor Joe Biden on Wednesday — despite explicit instructions not to do so — former/current president Donald J. Drumpf posted on Truth Social that prosecutor Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan have cheated him out of his “strikes.”

“Every other defendant in the whole wide world gets UNLIMITED STRIKES. Just ask any batter in Major League Baseball which is a stupid sport by the way since REAL MEN play golf, although they do sing ‘GOD BLESS AMERICA’ during the five inning stretch which you…

