Trump endorsing medical products to combat the corona viris
Screen capture of a Youtube video promoting the new DrumpfMeds product line. (CDC)

DrumpfMeds Launch Ignites Audience

Perfect cure for ailing economy literally catches fire

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven
Published in
5 min readApr 15, 2020


With no advance warning and with a pyrotechnic display that nearly set the Press Room on fire, the White House and the Drumpf organization announced the release of DrumpfMeds, a series of products for corona virus relief. Described by the White House as ”the perfect cure for an ailing economy,” the newly launched product line includes a Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) knock-off, three ventilators, masks, swabs, testing kits and more than a dozen other products for which — with the exception of Plaquenil — hospitals have been desperate to acquire.

At the end of the presentation, as reporters sat in stunned silence, Drumpf stepped in to liven the atmosphere by grabbing one of the pyrotechnic devices, which shot sparks toward the reporters and ignited their clothes and the fabric on the chairs. Fifteen reporters were ushered to the hospital only to be told they couldn’t be admitted to make room for corona virus patients. One reporter, One America Network’s Chanel Rion, was flown on Marine One to John Hopkins University and her bills paid for by the White House.

“Today’s display proves I’m THE GREATEST SHOWMAN in the history of showmen. No one will forget how I rescued the fake…

