Eight Reasons Why Cats Are Your Best Friend

They’re not unfriendly, they’re just introverted

Nancy Parish
The Haven


Photo courtesy of Author

Dogs have long been marketed as man’s best friend. You know how it is. If you want a companion to fetch balls and help you get a date, keep a dog. Meanwhile, if you’re an aging agoraphobic spinster, then a cat or twelve is more your speed. Why is it that way?

It’s simple. Cats need a better marketing team. Cats are actually really good companions and should challenge dogs for the best friend title. Because they are low-key and laid back, they don’t bother. Cats are confident in who they are. They don’t need a slogan to tell them. Cats are like your introverted friend that hangs out on the couch watching Netflix. But they observe things about you — you haven’t observed about yourself. This may be starting to change judging by the huge popularity of cat videos. It’s about time.

Cats may take a while to warm up to people, but once they do, they can bring the fun just like a dog can. Here are eight ways cats are a great best friend.

1. They ensure you don’t get lonely.

Since I started working from home, one of my three cats is always by my side, especially when I hang out on my couch. They’re always there, purring. They look up at me and nudge their heads against my…



Nancy Parish
The Haven

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail. https://thesoundandfurry.com/