Election Special!

Election Special

As we go to the polls it’s important to keep our sense of humor. No matter what happens, we can still make dick jokes.

Christine Stevens
The Haven
Published in
8 min readNov 6, 2024


Top Ten Dead Presidents Ranked by Penis Size

I’m not including any living presidents in this list, because that’s rude. I hate men who talk about people’s dick size while they’re in the room, don’t you? But a dead person’s dick size is fair game. Especially a dead president’s. We’re fascinated by our presidents. They are a part of our history, some good, some bad, but all of them memorable. Well, maybe not Martin Van Buren, he’s probably the least memorable. But guess what! He made this list. Good on you, Marty. But before we get to the history of our great nation according to its top ten largest leaders, an important question:

But does a president’s dick size matter?

Historians have debated this. Some historians, of the Great Man/Great Dick school, claim that it matters. Others, of the Great Man/ Goes Down On You school, claim that dick size is not nearly as important for a president as his oral sex skills. But having known some men with big cocks and some others with small, I’ll say this: they’re just dicks. And here are the top ten presidential ones:

10. James Buchanan, 15th president, 1857–1861



The Haven
The Haven

Published in The Haven

A Place to Be Funny Without Being a Jerk

Christine Stevens
Christine Stevens

Written by Christine Stevens

Funny lady, writer of satire and sex, proud Californian. Like me? You can buy me a coffee here: https://buymeacoffee.com/xtinesteveO. Cheers!

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