Elon Musk Announces Name Change For Our Country

And there’s not a thing we can do to stop it.

Christine Stevens
The Haven


Photo by Tolgahan Akbulut on Unsplash

Elections have consequences. Did you like living in the United States of America? Well too bad.

You now live in the United States of X.

“X is a cool letter,” says Musk. “I named my kid X.”

Before you get all mad at Elon, though. Think about it — X might be a pretty cool name for our country.

Here are some reasons to love the United States of X.

X Means No Liberals!

You know those no smoking signs. So when we call our country the US of X, just imagine a bunch of whiny liberals behind that letter X, and they are being shut out. Nobody wants to hear them cry any more. Certainly not Elon. Get in your Tesla, libs, and shut up.

by the brilliant author using canva and adobe

X Is for Excitement.

You know how Elon got all excited in that Pennsylvania rally and jumped up and down with his hands in the air so that his t-shirt went up and we saw his sexy mid-riff?



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