Every Movie Going Forward Should be Part of the Marvel Universe

Rick Par
The Haven
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2024

Welcome to the next age of cinema

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

2019 was a huge year for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Avengers: Endgame became the highest grossing movie of all time and all fans were jumping for joy at the amazingly executed conclusion to that era.

But as time passed, it became clear that Marvel had peaked as reviews for the next phase of movies were mediocre. The excellence that comic book fans were used to was not quite there anymore, and everybody was talking about how Marvel has lost its stride.

So what is the solution? Marvel has always reveled in their shared universe. It is part of what made fans love Endgame so much, seeing all these characters from all these different movies on the screen together. It is time to expand that concept. They have already expanded their universe into the multiverse for the past few films, with multiple Spider-Men and some X-Men cameos, but why stop there?

I’m not just talking about the Batman’s and the Superman’s from the DC Universe, I’m saying lets bring in everybody. Tom Cruise from the Mission Impossible movies should show up, he’s practically a superhero anyways. And Jackie Chan from Rush Hour. He could join in.

Not just action heroes either. Lets make Lady Bird have an appearance along with the cast of Pride and Prejudice show up in Marvel. Let’s have Oppenheimer show up and make a bomb for the government while the Parasite family secretly live in Iron Man’s mansion. The Slumdog Millionaire cast team up with Rocket Raccoon to win game shows and fight supervillains.

Every movie should join in on the fun going forward, nobody should be allowed to create cinema outside of the MCU. Even independent indie films should have a cameo from Doctor Strange at the end, telling some pig farmer that is struggling to make ends meet that they are about to enter a bigger world.

There’s no reason everything should not be connected to this multiverse. The franchise has made $30 billion, and in corporate America, financial success is the only success that matters. People crave this shared universe. Nothing makes them happier. Put in the Twilight cast. Throw in weird CGI Garfield. Get Doctor Dolittle in there.

This is my plea to Hollywood, perhaps even a plea to the government. Mandate this into law, require all movies to share this combined universe. Nobody cares about small independent stories with a subtle message about underserved communities. We don’t need them anymore. We need movies about Kung Fu Panda taking a dump inside Iron Man armor while fighting a supervillain from space.

C’mon Hollywood. Give the people what we want.

