Everything is Funnier After 16 Wine Tastings


Kristine Laco
The Haven
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2022


Photo by Richard Loader on Unsplash

We were recently at a vineyard on Niagara-On-The-Lake. You hear a lot of crazy talk at vineyards about the coffee overtones or blackberries on the finish. I think it’s really funny to listen to the wine-pouring folk who clearly believe the stuff they are spewing.

Hey, as long as they are pouring I will listen intently.

My favorite overheard conversation happened when on vacation in Sonoma valley. The vineyard stretched behind the sommeliers for miles of green in rows as neat and straight as books in a library. The tasting room was bright and linear with wood and chrome accents.

The wine tastes better in a room that is beautiful.

I was gazing at the view with a glass of something delicious in my hand that didn’t taste like peach to me. When asked if I tasted the peach overtones, I nodded to make the pourer feel validated.

A couple sidled up beside us as I was asking for a taste of that red one over there like a pro.

I couldn’t immediately determine the relationship between the pair. The woman was young enough to be carded by the sommelier. The man was not. He may have been trying to be carded with his high ponytail. I mean…



Kristine Laco
The Haven

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