Ex-PM “Your doing it wrong”

Billy Maguire
The Haven
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2022
Photo by Jannes Van den wouwer on Unsplash

Like an ex who gets an invite to their ex’s cousin’s wedding, Boris Johnston got himself invited to COP-27. To deliver a speech, in which he blamed global warming for his dramatic demise earlier this year and insisted that if he was Prime Minister he could solve the climate change issue.

Speaking in a mix of English and slightly mangled Latin. The former PM said, “Richi is a great fella. But is he a great fella for you?” As he tilted his head and used his trademark bird’s nest haircut to force the nation to remember the good times, “They weren’t all bad times, were they?” He asked as he tried his best to look remorseful.

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

“If I had another crack at it. It would be different this time. I would solve world hunger and climate change if it made you happy. Sunak may fix the economy and finish my task of destroying the NHS, but he doesn’t know how to save the environment. Your doing it wrong, but we could do it right together?”

Since departing №10, Mr. Johnston, the politician formerly known as BoJo has avoided the spotlight by always being close to it. Jetting back from the Caribbean to say he wouldn’t be standing in the leadership contest and flying to Egypt to deliver a speech on the perils of burning fossil fuels.

Sitting backwards on a plane? Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

