Excerpts From The Cast Away Script Where Wilson The Volleyball’s Internal Monologue Was Voiced By Sir David Attenborough

Robert Criss
The Haven
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2021



Chuck sits with Wilson holding a bowl of mashed breadfruit and a bowl of roasted eel skin.

CHUCK: Chips? Dip?

WILSON: I’m not in the mood today. I am really not in the mood when just a few hours ago you shoved me inside of your tattered shirt, acted as if you were in painful labor, and gave birth to me in the sand after fifteen pushes. Are we going to talk about that? Or do you want to talk about just moments before that when you pretended we were a married couple of seventeen years and said that you wanted to try conceiving again after getting some experimental fertility drugs from your friend at work? If anyone should be asking the questions around here it should be me. Like, for instance, how come I have to sleep in between your legs every night? Or maybe — now here’s a fun one — if you could bring only three things with you to a desert island, what would they be? I think I know your answer. I think it might be along the lines of one adult sized body pillow, a body pillow case with Helen Hunt printed on it, and a backup body pillow case with Helen Hunt printed on it for when you’re cleaning the other one. So, no. No “chips ‘n’ dip” for me.



Robert Criss
The Haven

humor writer feat. in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Weekly Humorist, 251, Little Old Lady Comedy, Robot Butt, Flexx Mag. robertcriss.net