Excerpts from the diary of Justin Carrington, roommate of Patrick Bateman.

Andrew Scott (IG: andrewjacobscott1)
The Haven
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2021

Harvard Business School, Fall 1986.

Saturday September 6, 1986

Dear Diary,

On the advice of my mother, I have decided to keep a journal about my time as an MBA student at Harvard Business School. I moved into the dormitory, Crimson, yesterday from my hometown of Greenwich, Connecticut. My roommate, also in the program, is named Pat Bateman. He seems like a nice person, although I have to acknowledge that I am surprised at how much of our shared closet space he has monopolized with bespoke suits (Valentino, apparently) and, somewhat perplexingly, full body clear plastic rain gear and what I think is an axe? At any rate, after our first dinner in the cafeteria, where Pat tried to order for me (“he’ll have the Sea Urchin Ceviche” …I actually had chicken tenders and fries!), Pat and I joined the other fifth floor grad-school roommates, now hilariously known as the “Egalitarian Abecedarians” for some icebreaker activities designed for us to get to know one another better. While I didn’t think that Pat’s decision to hand out business cards (embossed “Silian Rail” typeface on an eggshell white background, I learned) to all of the freshmen and residence“Dons” was necessary, he does seem outgoing and I am anticipating a good year ahead!

Tuesday September 9, 1986

Unfortunately, I was late for my first day of class as Pat monopolized the communal washroom for the better part of two hours this morning! He sure has quite the morning ritual in terms of ice pack face masks, a moisturizing routine and the application of a variety of skin products that have left the residence bathroom smelling like honey and almonds? But, who am I to judge? If it makes him feel better, why not! We will have to work cooperatively to find a morning routine that works for all of us “Egalitarian Abecedarians!”

Monday September 15, 1986

A great day! I now know more about Huey Lewis’s new album Fore! than I ever thought possible, thanks to an epic listening session with Pat…he is a true audiophile! If things don’t work out for him in corporate finance (his family wants him to become an investment banker), he most certainly could get a job as a musicologist! The evening was really fun with Pat frequently leaving the shared communal “quad” area only to return from behind, curiously wearing the aforementioned raingear. And it wasn’t even raining…he’s got quite the sense of humor that Pat! Plus, a really cool CD collection!

Thursday September 18, 1986

A good day. Classes went well. Didn’t see much of Pat, who apparently was busy returning video tapes.

Wednesday September 24, 1986

I’m thrilled! In addition to our shared love of Huey Lewis and Whitney Houston (Pat particularly likes her version of “The Greatest Love of All”), we both enjoy woodworking…at least I assume that is why there is now a nail gun in our dorm room! I look forward to talking all things carpentry with Pat, or Patty as I’ve taken to calling him, and maybe collaborating on a candle holder together? Seems unlikely that Phillips Exeter Academy would have shop class, but who knows, maybe Pat developed his skills at camp!

Sunday October 5, 1986

Exciting news…Pat made reservations at what I understand is a very fancy restaurant in downtown Boston for next Friday night. They make what Pat describes as “playful, but mysterious dishes” that I’m eager to try out. I’ll keep you posted, dear diary!

Friday October 10, 1986

Another good day of classes. Didn’t see much of Pat as he was again returning video tapes. Looking forward to dinner tonight and getting caught up!

Saturday October 11, 1986

Well that was a curious evening! It started when I spotted Pat taking money from the dormitory ATM while holding a cat? While it is really nice that he decided to treat for dinner, and that he’s an animal lover, I reminded him that Harvard has been quite clear about their “No Pet” policy in dorm rooms. Perhaps he didn’t like what my mother sometimes describes as my “lecturing tone,” as he largely then gave me the silent treatment over dinner, listening to cassette tapes on his Sony Walkman the entire time!

Things ended positively, however, as he invited me to go away with him to London (!) over our upcoming Reading Week break. He must be excited about it too as he has already changed the outgoing message on our shared answering machine with information about our impending departure! I will start packing soon using the Jean Paul Gaultier overnight bag that Pat said he had left just for me! I’ll keep you posted on my adventures dear diary. Can’t wait and London…here I come!



Andrew Scott (IG: andrewjacobscott1)
The Haven

Andrew Scott is a musician and writer who lives in Toronto in a house amongst children, antiquated technology of yesteryear and many, many instruments.