Extraterrestrials I Have Met During My Psychic Travels Through Space: Pt. 3 (G-J)

R.D. Ronstad
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2024

Note: Wikipedia claims these races are all fictional. Who are you going to believe: them, or me?

Galactus…Galactus are warriors; Guyactus sit at home all day playing Assassin's Creed.

Garys…From the planet Indianas.

Garthlings…No, there are no Waynelings. If that's what you were thinking.

Gelth…Favorite alcoholic drink: Gelth Bomber.

Gethenians…Worship Gethena.

Gigglepies…Their planet is stand-up heaven.

Gill Men…Turned on by gills. Any movie of theirs containing exposed gills is R rated.

Gladifers…Made positively giddy by conditional clauses.

Glapum’tians…Once faced no resistance when conquering a planet because its inhabitants mistakenly thought they were being visited by glad pumpkins.

Gloarft…I’ve never met a Gloarft, but I remember seeing Gloarft flash on my TV screen once when Adam West’s Batman landed a hard blow to the Riddler’s solar plexus. Not sure if there’s a connection.

Godan…Enemy of Rodzilla.

Gorn: Orville Redenbacher once got into a fight with one and put him away with one punch (actual headline: Orville Redenbacher pops Gorn).

G.R.A.I.S.E….A highly self-deprecating race. Name stands for: Get Real! Acronyms and Initialisms Suck Eggs!

Grob Gob Glob Glod…When I first met them I was GrobGobGlobGlodsmacked. Literally.

The Graske…Little green men; greener on one side.

Grue…Clark Kent actually migrated to their planet for a short time after leaving Smallville, but he left when he tired of being called Supergrue.

Grunds…Came perilously close to being Gerunds, which would have left everyone even more confused than they are already.

H’Ham…Often seen in the company of H’Bacon.

Hangi…Often seen in company of Snotlings.

Hanshaks...Inveterate bandwagon jumpers generally. When things are going poorly, most of them run for cover, but when things are going well, there are Hanshaks all around.

High Ones…Subsist on chemicals. No surprise there.

Horta…Horta culture is much admired throughout the galaxy.

Hutts…Their leader is Hutt One. You can guess what the second in command is called.

Husnock…They’re mad because the Hutts butted in line; war is immanent.*

Hydrans…Afflicted by cynophobia, and for good reason.

Iberons…Space pirates, all named Ron.

Ibs...Inveterate liars.

Ice Warriors…The remains of Ice Warriors who fall in battle have in some quarters become an illicit source of crushed ice.

Iconions…They’ll open up to you under the slightest pressure.

Impostors…Can’t keep a secret.

Ing…Verb parasites.

Interplanet Janet…Often accompanies King Ghidora (also known as Ghidora the Explorer — see pt. 4) on his adventures.

Irkens…Got on my nerves incessantly.

James…Whatever you do, don’t call him Jimmy or you’ll find yourself lost in space.

Jawa…Have put up a rather flimsy defensive shield around their planet called the Jawa Curtain.

Jjaro…A major disappointment for me. I thought I would be meeting Charo (who I still think is a space alien.)

Jotoki…They reproduce like rabbits; even as you read this, the population of Jotoki mushrooms.

*Appearance In Wikipedia’s alphabetical list:






R.D. Ronstad
The Haven

R.D. Ronstad writes mostly humor pieces and poetry. His work appears at many online sights including Defenestration and Points in Case. He lives in Phoenix, Az.